
Before implementing a feature please ask one of the maintainers to avoid any unnecessary or double work. Let other people know through the relevant GitHub issue that you are planning on implementing it. Also for new features, first create an issue that can be discussed.

After implementing (with tests and documentation) create a PR on Github and let your changes be reviewed.

Virtual Environment

Create a virtual environment by double-clicking or by running the following command. This will install all develop dependencies from pyproject.toml, install DFetch as editable package and install all runtime dependencies from pyproject.toml.



dfetch is primarily developed with python 3.8

Running in Gitpod

Gitpod makes it possible to edit dfetch directly in the browser in a VSCode instance. All dependencies are pre-installed and makes it easy to get started.


Running in VSCode

To debug or run directly from VSCode create the Virtual Environment. Select the python from the virtual environment. And open the dfetch.code-workspace.


To avoid any discussion about formatting black is used as code formatter. Next to that isort is used for sorting the imports. And doc8 is used as rst linter.

Run check_quality.bat (or GitHub will run it for you).


Unit tests

pytest is used as testing framework. All code contributed should be accompanied with unit tests. Tests can be found in the tests folder.

To see coverage, in the virtual environment run pytest with coverage

pytest --cov=dfetch tests

Feature tests

Feature tests are used for higher-level integration testing of functionality. For this behave is used as testing framework. Features are specified in Gherkin in so-called feature files in the features folder. The sentences in the feature files, map to steps in the features/steps folder.

Test can be run directly from the command-line

behave features

To debug these tests, mark the Feature: or Scenario: to debug with the @wip tag and add run the Feature tests (wip) debug configuration in VSCode.

Creating documentation

Run create_docs.bat and open index.html in doc/_build/html to read it. See This example for documenting the code.


  • Update CHANGELOG.rst with release date.

  • Bump version number in dfetch/

  • Create annotated tag and push it:

git tag -a '0.5.0' -m "Release version 0.5.0"
git push --tags
  • If all tests ok, create release in the GitHub webui.

  • Make sure all dependencies in pyproject.toml are pinned.

  • Copy the CHANGELOG entry of the release to github.

  • When the release is created, a new package is automatically pushed to PyPi.

  • After release, add new header to CHANGELOG.rst:

Release 0.0.3 (In development)